Soul of Romanticism
DNDC 013 CD 1999
€30.00only ten remaining copies from the original edition
The dat recordings of the piano works by Christophe Terrettaz, of the project Ozymandias, were sent from Switzerland to Ireland for Mark St.John Ellis to add the spoken words from the poems of the Romantic poets Shelley, Keats, Wordsworth, Coleridge and Byron. The two projects never met and correspondence was by letter. After recording the spoken word on the digital recordings, engineered by James Quinn Of J.A.M Studios and adding some production effects by Mark, the recordings were sent to Christophe for approval and then released on the De Nova Da Capo label. The photographs on the albums artwork are by Christophe.
website track - Why did I laugh tonight? John Keats
time - 3 minutes 24 seconds